Daydreamers are dangerous…

Daydreamers are dangerous…

Repeated habits that we tend to repeat all over again every other day is the behavior of ours we don’t want to change rather we forced ourselves to make it to the infinity. Breaking the habits outta nowhere isn’t expected all of a sudden.

Being in bed even after the snooze button runs out… COUNTS!!

Dreaming x Daydreaming.. a racist synonym.;postID=3150347333994683788;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=0;src=link

We must understand life comes with lots of non-skip-able, unstoppable experiences tagging with happy cherishing memories (premature dreams). In return it tells you to ignore the lowest noise and moreover those people who found to be below reference line to themselves and advice others to be a benchmark, it’s a human tendency you see. I mean those who try to be the impeccable ones.

Well, my thoughts were/are independent of any manipulations though frustrations were on cards, I was just following the sound of her… she “”dreams”” here ;). Perhaps the end result of dreams/fulfillment is nothing but being happy or is happiness.

The Dreams and Happiness are like those other two hands which never meet while handshaking but while hugging..!! A hug is nothing but acceptance of the yellow path. Remember in our childhood, happiness is something like trying to keep the electric button in a neutral state. The best part our hands used to die out of height in doing so (**those days).

Walking on the yellow path on the pursuit of finding happiness outside in the reel world we tend to lose ourselves inside. We get deviated in finding, sympathy a love a praise appreciation care from another person. The season is volatile.

Happiness is something like cold sweats at 2 am in the night sky,  is affording a dog,  is taking a solo road trip, is in first love you give too much and you give everything, is Daydreaming.

Eventually daydreaming is a disease. A disease of reminders in the day time.

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